Each circuit from Persona Medical can be ordered as a prewired faceplate to allow assembly of your own unique customized instrument.

Upon receipt of your pre-wire order, inspect each pre-wire carefully. Should there be any pre-wires defective, immediately return them for service or replacement. Pre-wires will only be accepted for replacement due to a defect in the materials caused by the manufacturer. Once the faceplate is cut or damaged, replacement will not be made. All pre-wires are not eligible for refund.
Persona Medical will repair or refurbish (original parts on new faceplate) a pre-wire up to one year from date of manufacture. An assembled instrument using Persona Medical pre-wired circuits will be repaired up to five years from original date of manufacture at the current repair price. Persona Medical reserves the right to refuse to repair or refurbish any pre-wired faceplate without the original serial number issued to the pre-wire at time of manufacture.